inflatable factory

You’re in the right place for inflatable factory.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on Bouncia.we guarantee that it’s here on Bouncia.
We aim to provide the highest quality inflatable factory.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • Bouncia Inflatable Water Park For Lake
    Bouncia Inflatable Water Park For Lake
    Bouncia Inflatable Water Park For Lake
  • Bouncia W corner floating For Water Park - W Corner
    Bouncia W corner floating For Water Park - W Corner
    Bouncia W corner floating For Water Park
  • TUV Certiifcate Inflatable Ramp for Water Park - Ramp
    TUV Certiifcate Inflatable Ramp for Water Park - Ramp
    The ramps helps people to get onto the water park easier. It’s necessary for each individual unit.
  • Inflatable Water Pool Obstcale Course - Jungle Bar
    Inflatable Water Pool Obstcale Course - Jungle Bar
    Test your arms strength along these bars from one end to another end! If you can go through successfully, you beat 80% players.
  • Giant Inflatable Water Tower With Slide And Jumping Platform
    Giant Inflatable Water Tower With Slide And Jumping Platform
    This is a giant inflatable water park item with diving, climbing and sliding combo. Its different gameplay is enough to attract people's curiosity. You can either connect it with a runway to the water park combination or just use it as a stand-alone item. The Giant water tower slide is 14.9 meters long and 7.7 meters high, which is big enough to attract visitor’s attention. The required safe water depth is 4.75m. If your water depth is not enough, you can tell us your deepest water for this tower, then we can customize the proper dimension for you.The overall product is composed of 2 slides, one climbing stairs and one jumping platform. Are you brave enough to jump down on the platform of more than 7 meters high? This will be a good gimmick that attracts customers to challenge. If you use this advertising word, according to our service experience, we believe that there will be many challengers to challenge this big product.Our customers gave a lot of good feedback on this giant inflatable tower slide. It is an attractive item, and it will also become a hot spot in your inflatable water park. Diving, Jumping, climbing, sliding and other tricks can be unlocked on giant water Tower slide! It is a giant inflatable product worth your try and order. If you want to learn more about this giant inflatable water tower slides, please message down, we will come back to you as soon as we get your message.
Just tell us your requirements, we can do more than you can imagine.

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