Is there instruction manual for bouncia water park ?

Yes, we ship bouncia water park together with an instruction manual for customers. It is provided in Chinese, English, and other languages considering the delivery destinations. There will be ingredients, caution information, methods of maintenance, application range and company information included in the manual. Also, there will be vivid product photos provided as a reference. There will be a detailed installation procedure provided in the manual to help customers in operation. Also, the electronic version of the instruction manual can be also offered once customers have such demand.
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Guangzhou Bouncia Inflatables Co.,Ltd has developed into a large manufacturing company that produces hdpe pontoon. As one of Bouncia's multiple product series, Aquapark Ticket Tooth series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. The production of Bouncia floating water park is paid continuous and in-depth attention to meet customers' needs. Quality and safety are guaranteed. Its long operational lifetime acts as a multiplicator, helping achieve energy efficiency, especially the large scale of installation projects. Our Inflatable Water Park's certification is very helpful for you to apply for license and buying insurance.
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Bouncia will do its utmost to serve the customers with the highest quality of water inflatables. Get quote!

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