Investment outdoor square small train bumper cars to earn money?


investment outdoor plaza bumper cars to earn money?

outdoor plaza bumper car is more and more popular in the project, after all, many investors have doubts: investment outdoor plaza bumper cars to earn money? Below is a manufacturer of children's bumper cars bring investment bumper cars need how many money.

investment outdoor plaza bumper cars need how many money?

investment outdoor plaza, children's bumper cars need according to field size and capacity to determine how much to buy bumper cars, generally around 100 square can over 8 sets of bumper cars.

8 bumper car price is 4999 * 8 = 39992.

investment bumper cars to make money?

if in accordance with a car running 2 hours a day, five minutes at a time, open 24 times a day, and then a 10 yuan, such a car income 24 * 10 = 240 and then eight cars a day income 8 * 240 = 1920,

a monthly income of 30 * 1920 = 57600, so this without a month back,

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