Indoor children's park how to conduct management to profit

2019 - 10 - 28 08:24:49

children's park is now one of the most popular attractions, opened a children's park is a very good project, but the owner how to indoor children's park management? What are the indoor children's park management way?

a, product analysis.

1, indoor children's paradise, essentially difference from other similar products equipment and characteristic is what? Dynamic, comprehensive, colour, security, novelty, advancement!

2, mainly displays in: combine children like jumping, climbing, drill, sliding, rolling, swing, wave nature. Specific design: rotation, swing, inflatable, water filling, visual, touch, hearing, nature, animals, water, snow, forests, and other products. Let the children love to play, can play and play at the same time, strengthen the body, the development intelligence, exercise perseverance, get all-round development of body and mind.

3, the product widely loved by children and parents. Project in shopping malls, supermarkets, playgrounds, community and other children's densely populated places installation is appropriate. Not restricted by field size and shape. Less investment, easy management, low loss, high profits. For now is a good investment projects.

2, market research.

1, is now the one-child family. For the next generation to provide a good growth environment, has become a modern family essential obligations. For example a young parents when choose milk powder for their children, to the first question to ask a shop assistant may which milk powder would be the best. The business rule is of the jews, make money, make the woman children. So we think temporarily don't have to consider parents will not let the children to come to visit us, and to consider how to let parents took children to come to visit us.

2, there is another dimension is to shop around whether have enough potential customers for our development, this is also our the need to consider clear. According to our understanding of the experience of around 500 m radius has more than 300 families will be able to provide the image of a recreation area is less than 100 ㎡ store enough traffic.

3, customer survey.

who is children's paradise of target customers: customers, who are our customers, some people will say children, good, our customers are those children playing. And when we redefine the customer, the mother - — Parent-child activities, children's grandparents - — Enjoy with molasses to make sun, your child's teacher - — Make children's paradise you amateur coach, community residents' committees - — Children's park is one of the important harmonious social factors, so see, customer is three-dimensional, the most popular theory is that people who are likely to pay are your potential customers.

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