Children play amusement equipment, how to pay attention to safety


large children's amusement equipment which need to pay attention to safety

at present more and more large children's amusement equipment, different amusement equipment have different game, but playing the amusement equipment at the same time must pay attention to safety, parents is most concerned about children's safety problems. So large children's amusement equipment which need to pay attention to safety problems? Below is a bumper car manufacturers bring amusement equipment safety problem children.

1, on children's play large amusement equipment, sharp parts of leakage is absolutely not allowed to happen, avoid scratch on children.

  2, in the design and manufacture of equipment to put an end to the kind to their children, the body, the top clamp is a part of

& emsp;   3, equipment material should choose avirulent environmental protection high quality materials, to ensure children's health.

  4, large-scale amusement equipment part of the large clearance must set up the fence, to avoid the child fall.

  5, in managing large children's amusement equipment, ground safely cushion on the shop, the best one thousand accompanied by children or parents drop by mat reduce the buffer force, reduce the damage.

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